The Network of Christian Universities of the Caribbean for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (NECUCAFE) was born on August 21, 2021 after the passage of the 7.3 magnitude earthquake in the great south of Haiti. It is the result of the decision of the members of the executive committee of the Union of Christian Universities of the Caribbean (UNICUC).
An ambition for life, people, the earthHumanity and the planet are facing global change which is creating new expectations with regard to research: mitigation and adaptation to climate change, food and nutritional security, agricultural transition, preservation of natural resources, restoration of biodiversity, anticipation and risk management. Added to this are more territorial issues which include the living conditions and remuneration of farmers, the economic competitiveness of companies, regional planning, and access to healthy and diversified food for everyone. In Haiti, the degradation of the environment remains and remains a real challenge, only for 5 minutes of rain all Haiti is flooded. Useful research for the Caribbean community
Our vocation is to
Contact Us:
Network of Christian Universities in the Caribbean for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (NECUCAFE)
Tel (509) 2209-6016
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