The Union of Christian Universities of the Caribbean (UNICUC) was founded in the year 2021 after the passage of the earthquake in the great south of Haiti on August 21, 2021 of magnitude 7.3 or Queensland University which is a Christian institution of Protestant faith was abandoned and the victimized students delivered themselves to themselves, more than 2 years ago with a simple objective to state but noble in its ideal: to create a broad association of Christian universities which will support the advocacy and leadership activities for member schools and universities and would provide a unifying voice for Christian higher education in the Caribbean. Since UNICUC's inception 2020, we may not have changed in size, scope, office location and even name, but we have always remained rooted in our mission to advance the cause. of Christ-centered higher education and our helping our institutions transform the lives of students by faithfully connecting scholarship and service to biblical truth according to God's Word. The Christian Universities established in member countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) are invited to join as full members or associate members of the Union of Christian Universities of the Caribbean (UNICUC). You can contact us via the address below. Already welcome to UNICUC. The Theological seminaries or schools of higher Christian education are also welcome.