Concerned Women for the Caribbean and Haiti (CWCH) of the Union of Christian Universities of the Caribbean (UNICUC) protects and promotes biblical values and constitutional principles through prayer, education and advocacy to have a united Caribbean and also establish Peace in Haiti which has been devastated by armed gangs since 2019 to the present day.
Our visionConcerned Women for the Caribbean and Haiti (CWCH) leads a movement dedicated to impacting culture for Christ through education and public policy in the Caribbean and Haiti about all Christian universities and colleges.
We represent youConcerned Women for the Caribbean and Haiti (CWCH) is the largest women's structure of the Union of Christian Universities of the Caribbean (UNICUC) for public policy in the Caribbean Community and Haiti since the founding of UNICUC. It is to help our members across the Caribbean and Haiti community to integrate biblical principles into all levels of Caribbean and Haitian public policy that does not integrate the flow of common markets in the Caribbean.
We focus on seven fundamental issues: the family, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, education, sexual exploitation, national sovereignty and support for Haiti which is a country devastated by armed gangs. The Concerned Women for the Caribbean and Haiti (CWCH) can establish a fruitful cooperation with other women organizations for exchange and experience.
Contact Us
Concerned Women for the Caribbean and Haiti (CWCH)
Femmes concernées pour la Caraibe et Haiti
Union des Universites Chretiennes de la Caraibe (UNICUC)
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Phone: (509) 3222-7685